Thursday 25 November 2010

November 25th: Happy Thanksgiving and one month until Christmas!

I am not a very nice person.

I'm not. I'm sarcastic and rude and annoying. I get irritated easily and think horrible thoughts about people all the time. I'm more than a little pathetic and I pretend I can deal with things by myself while all the time becoming more and more dependent on other people. I'm a real pain in the arse.

Freddie is sweet and charming, if a little annoying.

Becky worries too much, but she's clever and makes me laugh.

Zoe is loyal and thoughtful, but I think sometimes she thinks about others a bit too much, if that's possible. She tends to forget herself sometimes.

Lauren is hilarious and completely nice - there's nothing not to like about her - but she's a bit competitive sometimes.

Charlotte is so friendly and considerate, though she's completely surgically attached to Becky.

Cora has way too many talents and I'm incredibly jealous of her.

And all of them love me. God knows why, but they do. They love me despite the fact that I'm sarcastic and rude and annoying and that I dump some crap on them at times. And I love them, despite the fact that they're not perfect either - but then I wonder if you know my theory on perfection.

Perfection describes somebody who is perfect in every way and never does a thing wrong - and that would be incredibly annoying. Annoying is an adjective which is not synonymous with perfection; therefore it's an imperfect quality. Nobody can be perfect because they'd be annoying, and that would mean there was something that's not good about them. Therefore perfection and imperfection cancel each other out and essentially that means neither concept exists.

God, my brain hurts.

Are you still following me? Good, then I'll continue. Where was I?

Nobody's perfect (or imperfect, but we won't go there), but everybody has relationships with other human beings, be it romantic, friendly, family or surgical attachment. I've said before about relationships and human contact being pretty much the most important thing in life, and I think, as it's Thanksgiving today, it's a good time to think about that a bit more.

And yes, I know I'm English and don't celebrate Thanksgiving, but that's not the point. I have American readers. And besides, the sentiment is still the same, regardless of your nationality or religious beliefs.

And we totally had turkey sandwiches at lunch today to celebrate.

You only ever know a person as much as they decide to let you. There will always be hidden fragments of someone that you have yet to discover - whether they've been in your life forever or just a few days. I can honestly say that only a handful of people truly know me - probably only one person knows me fully, but the rest know me well enough. If you knew how depressing I am, what dark thoughts I think sometimes, you'd be tempted to reach for the nearest baseball bat and back away slowly with a wary expression on your face. And yet I have the best group of friends I could ever ask for and the most supportive parents (on most fronts) I could have. I'm so lucky, because despite the fact that I am annoying, rude, selfish and pathetic, people don't seem to have noticed, or if they have, they've decided that my positive qualities (which do exist, just mainly unbeknown to me) outweigh the negative ones. And to that, my friends, I say: woopus to the maximus.

Speaking of woopus to the maximus, there's another English trip next Thursday, to the British library again. Charlotte and I are quite looking forward to it, despite the fact that I got roped into a workshop thing that I'm doing my best to get out of. Still, it should be fun. And after the library we can go shopping in London... which is always good. Except I have no money and I don't think Charlotte will let me get away with only going to the cheap parts.

And now I can feel my brain going into hibernation for the night, so I'll be back in a few days to gloat that I've been writing here for a year... never thought that would happen.

Happy Thanksgiving, you gorgeous Americans. And all you Danes, Brazilians, Swedes, South Africans, Canadians, Chinese, Taiwanese, Germans, Israelites, Japanese, Latvians, Thai people, people from Singapore, and, of course, my fellow Brits - and anyone else whose country doesn't show up on this blog's stats page.

Molly x


Zoë said...

Aww you are so sweet but I think everyone goes through having mean thoughts about others and friends because being selfish is part of being human though we like to hide it and show our postive aspects.

But seriously what I love about you is that you have this gracious essence that you hold when you do anything, from sweeping your hair from your faces and just to even doing something normal like walking. You have such a random interest in music, you are beautiful and charming and sometimes I can feel a little jealous of you. You lovely warm-hearted being with sarcasm that we all know as a kind greeting and makes you rather special.

Of course everyone has annoying aspects and noticing them in ourselves makes us all seem like bad people, we make mistakes we learn from friends and family and it is just the things we set aside because its the great person that we love.

Here is the link for my other blog:


Molly said...

Oh Zoe, I love you. You're so adorable. <3

Cora said...

I for one am jealous of your writing! You've got such a gift and even if I didn't know you I would still read your blog, as it's witty, funny and relatable.
I am thankful for having you in my life and I do have many bad qualities and loads of vices.
Molly you are an amazing and warm human specimen, it's no wonder we all love you, you knob.
There is so much I want to say to you, so much I'd wish I'd be clever enough to commit to paper but never the less just know that you are a talented girl with so many great qualities and that you will always have a place in my heart.
Once again I want to thank you.
Jeg elsker dig min skat ^^

Molly said...

You thank me too much. I don't do anything to deserve it. :P

And writing may not be your talent but you have to remember you're writing in your second language - which already in effect proves you have a much wider grasp of language than I do. And besides, your singing voice is insane. You know how much I love it, so you can shush. ;)

Jeg elsker også dig. ^^

Hollie said...

Please Molly, you think you're a bitch? *cough cough* I'm a WAY bigger bitch than you ;)