The big day is three weeks today people! Twenty one days! I hope you've all been getting on with your Christmas shopping and aren't as disorganised as I am. I'm going tomorrow, have a huge list of people to buy for, and intend to raid the pound shop as I have no money.
(Just kidding. Although actually that's not a bad idea, as long as nobody finds out.)
Honestly, buying presents was so much less complicated when I had fewer friends. Everything comes at a cost these days!
I got home from college today and mentioned to my dad that I was thinking of getting a Tesco Mobile SIM for my phone (remember I said my SIM got locked? I had to get a new one) instead of a Vodafone one because my friend told me they do good deals and still have good coverage. My dad, in reponse, said "Maybe I should think about getting you a contract."
I was like "Excuse me?"
I mean seriously. I text Cora far too much (when I have credit) and sending international texts is pretty expensive. Especially if they're long and my texts are all written in full, grammatically correct English, not to mention long-winded simply due to my writing style. (You can see that. I mean look at my sentences; they're like double the length they should be. I can't help it. I did history GCSE - they want a lot of detail.)
But my dad seems to be seriously considering the idea, which is - well, absolutely bloody fabtabulous. But still.
Then, as if that's not enough, I realized that college's Christmas party is the day before Octava's concert, and as I was thinking "Crap, maybe I shouldn't go, I'll need sleep that night..." my mum suggested that I take the day of the concert off college.
"You won't be missing much. What have you got, one real lesson?"
I suppose she's right - but this is my mother we're talking about. The mother who won't let us stay off school unless we're dying and who thinks tiredness is solved by going to bed early (which I can't do, I'm far too busy writing here) has just voluntarily suggested me skiving off. Admittedly it is two days before the end of term but still! We're not in primary school anymore!
Then again, she does work in a primary school. Obviously she thinks the last week of term before Christmas is still spent making snowflakes out of paper and messing around with glitter.
Oh, how I miss my primary school days. Although we still do make snowflakes out of paper. I've found that one's mind matures much more slowly than one's body.
My "hanging out" session with Lexi didn't actually happen today as I might have disappeared to Starbucks and found Hollie, Becky, Zoe, Charlotte, Alicia and various other people and forgotten about her, and then ate an entire packet of chocolate fingers with Hollie's help... they were 74p in Sainsbury's, okay? Don't look at me like that.
Besides, one is allowed to stuff one's face on a Friday afternoon. It's Christmas.
Anyway, it's almost half ten and I'm exhausted, so I'm off to bed. (Yes, I know that's impossibly sad, but shattap. I get up at 6 these days.)
(Shattap = slang and ellision. Sorry for talking in English terms all the time but if you're going to keep reading, you'd better get used to it. Bruv.)
And no, I don't talk like a chav because I am a chav, I talk like a chav to 'extract the Michael' or take the mick out of chavs. Hannah says 'innit' quite frequently and it's surprisingly catchy. Watch out or the innitmonster will get you! Innit!
As my Facebook status stated recently:
"You're not a chav, you're a linguistically challenged homosapien who feels the need to revert to colloquialisms, vulgarisms, taboo language and generally informal English in order to communicate your brain's infrequent and insubstantial activity."
See you guys tomorrow, when I shall be laden with Christmas presents. Pound shop here I come!
Molly x
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