You have no idea how bad this is. I love to talk! Seriously, I never shut up. Except when I'm on Skype with Cora, or talking to Becky and Charlotte - then I can't get a word in edgeways. But usually, I never shut up. Also Octava's concert is in two weeks and we have a hell of a lot of work to do on the songs... hopefully Marion will just let me mime at our practice tonight but it's still Annoying with a capital A (and you know this serious - as a grammar freak I will never put a capital where there isn't supposed to be one).
Well it's only 10:03AM and usually I write here in the evenings, but I'm in IT and we're having a "playing around" session. Apparently we need a full lesson, an hour and a half, to learn how to use PowerPoint - despite the fact that we all chose A Level IT and therefore must be fairly able to use a computer. Although you do only need a C in English Language at GCSE to be accepted onto this course, so maybe some people really don't have a clue. Seems unlikely though.
But yeah. After this I've got tutorial, which is awesome as I've got the fabulous Hannah, but extremely pointless because we never do anything anyway. Then media's been cancelled because my teacher's daughter's ill - so basically there was no point in me coming in today at all and I could have stayed in bed for another few hours (not to mention try and coax my voice back into life). But still.
Well. Now it's 9:17PM and I'm at home, and I swear that was the most pointless day ever. So I decided I was going to go home after my non-existent media lesson, and I got to the station in time for the 11:39 train after having decided to take the 12:24. I quickly changed my mind and boarded that train, but obviously I didn't have enough time to buy a ticket, so I figured I'd buy one when I got to Reading (the big station, from which you can get basically anywhere). It was just my luck that the ticket inspector came round for the first time in my entire life travelling on that route...
It was a really mean Indian one as well (not only was he mean, but I couldn't understand what he was saying half the time). I asked him if I could buy a ticket and he said "Why didn't you buy one at Henley?" and I replied that it was because I'd almost missed the train. Then he tried to charge me for an adult fare (fair enough since I am an adult with train fares) but I pretended to be a child to get a cheaper ticket. However he didn't believe me and asked me if I had proof - which, of course, I did, but it showed my real date of birth and that was obviously no good to me. The problem was, I didn't have enough money for an adult fare and he started shouting at me, then kicked me off the train at the next stop, which was the absolute middle of nowhere. I've mentioned before that I hate confrontations and I was standing there alone on this platform, completely embarrassed, upset and with no clue what to do. I didn't know where I was, I had no money and a creditless/batteryless phone. So I kind of stood there for about half an hour thinking "Shit."
Then these two men came up to me, going "Excuse me!" and I was in such a state I thought they were going to shout at me for trying to get a cheaper ticket than I was entitled to. Of course, I was being paranoid and they just wanted to know how to get to Twyford, and it kind of snapped me out of panic mode and into "Come on, I have to do something about this" mode. (These guys were awesome; they were from London, had incredibly camp accents despite not being gay, and were still pissed on account of 'going back to some bird's last night'). They were perfectly nice people, but I was feeling slightly uneasy about being with them when there was literally nobody else around (there wasn't even a ticket machine on this station: that's how dead it was) and I ended up getting on a train back to Henley (it was only one stop - I sat facing the window and hoped nobody would bother me and they didn't). Then I went to Starbucks and sat in there for three and a half hours, reading my book... I can't believe they didn't kick me out, to be honest, since I was in there for so long without buying anything and even eating my Boots meal deal lunch in there. I was sitting in a fairly un-obvious place though so maybe they just didn't notice.
Then I felt a tap on the shoulder, and this old woman was standing next to me. She said to me "I need to go to the toilet--" and I was thinking okay, great, thanks for letting me know -- "but I can't close the door because I'm claustrophobic. Could you...?"
So I ended up standing guard next to the toilet to make sure nobody went in (which they didn't). The funny thing is that after she'd thanked me and walked off, I saw her with somebody else. I wonder why she didn't get him to help. Hmm.
So after my three and half hours occupying Starbucks, I got the college bus home and went straight out to vocal group - and because of my non-existent voice, I wasn't singing very much and two of our other members weren't there. As Marion said "You haven't got Annie or Jenny, and you haven't really got Molly either." We have two weeks left until the concert and with so much still to do, we're all slightly... well, doomed.
I think that's all there was to report today, so come back tomorrow, when my day will hopefully have been... slightly more normal.
After all this fuss, I haven't even opened my advent calendar yet! Maybe it's the thought of ripping Zac Efron's face off that dissuades me.
Though I'm perfectly happy to rip the faces off others from the HSM cast. Believe me.
Molly x
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