Don't look at me like that. I highly recommend not leaving getting an advent calendar to the first day in December (for the third year in a row); the choice is, shall we say, somewhat limited. Basically it was either High School Musical or Thomas the Tank Engine... actually, in hindsight I probably should have gone for Thomas and just pretended it was retro or something. Not sure that I'm cool enough to pull it off though. Besides, there was a little boy hovering beside me who clearly wanted Thomas, so I let him have it. For my kindness, however, I was rewarded by having to walk around college all day in possession of a High School Musical calendar...
'Nuff said.
It is positively freezing here at the moment. I have to leave my house at 7:15 to catch my bus (despite the fact that college doesn't actually start until quarter to nine but they need the buses for the secondary school runs) and obviously it's colder at that time. It was -1 this morning and it's the kind of cold that cuts through you completely, so you're never warm no matter how many layers you're wearing. Trust me - people are starting to give up on fashion now for college and are sticking to warmth. Thank God. Henley was a leggings-fest in September and now people are starting to turn to good old jeans... though maybe we should be wearing leggings and jeans just to keep warm.
It's such a shame that global warming is making hot countries hotter and cold ones colder...
Changing the subject. At my old school, I wasn't particularly popular, especially in my last year as I managed to do something incredibly stupid (see the first post for the aforementioned October/November blip) and alienate most of my "friends". So it surprises me when people who stopped talking to me years ago say hi and even - in the case of one - hug me, talk to me whenever she sees me, and ask me to hang out with her. Now I hate confrontation and find that it's a hell of a lot easier to just go along with stuff, so I can't ignore the hand of friendship when it's offered, but it's weird. When somebody who you could have sworn dislikes you comes up to you and tells you you look lovely, it's slightly unnerving. It could, of course, be due to the fact that she's just met the boy I almost/sort of went out with last year and now I'm "cool" because of it. Still. Why do people have to be so shallow?
And why, out of all the people I know, do the horrible ones live here and Cora live in Denmark? It's so unfair.
Tell me your opinions on this. I used to be friends with this girl - let's call her Lexi - but not that closely, and then we grew apart. Is she genuinely being nice, is she sucking up, or is she reporting back everything I say to her friends and laughing at me? (Maybe I'm just paranoid. But it could happen.)
So tomorrow is Wednesday and life continues. I have IT tomorrow - my least favourite lesson, but made more interesting by the fact that there are two very gorgeous (but very different) boys in my class. One, my favourite, is Mr I-Already-Have-A-Girlfriend, whom we are calling "Mono" (due to the fact that he looked like he had a monobrow at the start of term. The nickname stuck - but don't worry, the monobrow's mysteriously disappeared) and his girlfriend Pavlova. He's wonderful looking - much like Oliver Tompsett, Fiyero in London's Wicked cast, if you know him - and exactly my type. The other boy is Brazilian, hot (such a beautiful smile), and best of all, single. We shall call him Nut. (Brazil nut - get it?) But I can't make myself feel for Nut what I feel for Mono... it's the typical stuff, you know, forgetting to breathe, unable to look away, butterflies etc. The thing is: Mono keeps looking at me. Most of the time when I look up, he looks at me, and I'm never sure if it's because he likes me or if it's because he knows I'm staring at him. See my dilemma? And the biggest problem of all is that even if there wasn't the problem of his pudding girlfriend, neither of them would like me anyway because boys like them just don't notice girls like me. It's the story of my life.
Oh, and the plot thickens - I know from a reliable source (my friend Hollie is friends with Pavlova) that Pav likes somebody else. Obviously she likes Mono too, but it's not really fair on Mono to go out with him if she also likes someone else - and not fair on me either. How rude!
Random subject change: I just got a comment on one of my YouTube videos:
"You look like a monster but yes, you sing very well! congrats!"
What a compliment. And from somebody who can't even be bothered to put capital letters in their sentences.
On that note, I love it when I click spell check and it immediately pops up to tell me it's finished spell checking. :)
Anyway I'll stop talking now, and I'll write some more tomorrow, so remember to check back for more updates on my not-so-crazy life. Have fun!
Molly x
1 comment:
Gods Mollster I have fallen head over heals with this!
(Yes I know you tell me basically everything but SQUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEE this blog is Ozmotastic!)
I will definitely keep reading.
Btw I am not saying this cause you are my twin, but because I really do find it interesting when you write!
Ze CoraBeans
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