I really am most rude, having not written here for two whole days. I mean what's up with that? Perplexed tofu much? (Don't ask.) But seriously, I do apologize and at least today's post should be nice and long as I have mucho crap to say.
Not that I can actually remember anything that happened over the last two days.
Oh yes. Well, Tuesday started off pretty normally, except I found out that the Christmas present I got for Becky needs to go on eBay as she already has it. Don't you just hate it when that happens? I don't even know anyone who loves Gavin and Stacey as much as she does. See, this is the problem when one buys a specific gift for somebody based on a favourite thing of theirs rather than just a generic I-can-give-this-to-anyone-I-just-haven't-decided-who-yet present (which of course I don't do *whistles innocently*) - there's a chance they already have it, which rather buggers up one's plans somewhat. Now I have to find something else to give her with one week until the end of term and no money... all I can say is, thank God I go to college somewhere with quite a few shops.
And about the I-can-give-this-to-anyone-I-just-haven't-decided-who-yet presents; when one goes to college and meets a hell of a lot of new people four months before Christmas, one doesn't really have time to get to know them, which means one doesn't have a clue about their likes/dislikes. Therefore one must get a classic "female" present (assuming the friend in question is female of course; I don't recommend doing that if you're talking about a boy here) such as makeup, bath stuff, jewellery etc. That just seems terribly impersonal, but sometimes it's the only way.
I think I've used up my entire use of the word "one" for the entire blog in that last paragraph.
Anyway yeah. Also on Tuesday: I was in the vintage shop in Henley in one of my frees when I discovered a gorgeous Ted Baker dress - kind of dark turquoise with black netting and black sequins - and although there was no changing room, the upstairs level of the shop (which I was on) was empty so I surrepticiously put it on and it fit me perfectly and looked amaaaazing. (Modest as I am.) It was thirty five quid though and I didn't have the money so I said I'd buy it the next day (actually I accidentally-on-purpose mentioned to the shop lady that my mum would kill me for buying a dress that expensive and the lady said she'd do it for thirty two just for me (she probaby wouldn't kill me, but I like getting discounts and that works like a dream.))
So when I got home I told my mum about it and she was like "Well actually..." and she produced this present from behind a plant pot. Basically my grandad died in May this year and my mum said she wanted to give my brother and myself something "from him" as a little acknowledgement (okay shush, my mum isn't crazy and I think it's a really nice idea. And no, not just because I get another present). So she handed me this present, saying she'd been going to give it to me on Christmas day but I'd 'twisted her arm' by telling her about the dress. When I opened it, I found this amazing short sparkly green dress, which is gorgeoussss, so I don't know about the other dress anymore.
To complicate matters, my mother decided on Tuesday night that I was ill so I couldn't go to college on Wednesday (and do you know, that's the first time I've ever felt guilty about missing a day of education - ever) and so I couldn't go and buy the dress. I'm not sure if they've sold it now but I think the shop lady might be just the tiniest bit pissed off with me for not turning up. Oops.
So yeah, I stayed home on Wednesday and watched West Side Story (because Hannah-my-English-teacher told me I needed a day when I wasn't going out anywhere to watch it because it will "break" me - it's that sad apparently) and today, after English, I said to her "West Side Story didn't make me cry."
(Just to let you guys know, I don't cry at anything. I have cried at two films in my entire life and even then it's just been like one tear. Those films were A Walk To Remember and Time Traveller's Wife, incase you want to know. But Time Traveller's Wife is bloody sad!)
So Hannah was like "You must have a heart of stone!"
To be honest, it's not like I don't feel stuff, I just don't cry. I must have a shortage of water in my eyes or something. I don't even cry much when people die, but that doesn't mean I'm not just as sad as everybody else - though I do feel slightly strange when I'm the only one at the funeral not crying. But anyway, moving off this morbid subject...
We did a mock exam in English today. I have an exam in January so I'm having a slight spaz about it, especially as I am super convinced I failed the mock... I said to Hannah on my way out, "By the way, the exam... I kind of totally failed, so..."
She was like "You mean so be gentle and nice when I mark it?"
I replied affirmatively to that and Hannah's response was "Persuasion won't get you anywhere. Doughnuts and biscuits, however..."
Seriously. This is why she's awesome. XD
I was like "Just remember that you like me, Hannah."
I was so convinced I failed the exam that I even wrote "this is so bad" under my last sentence. Trust me, it isn't good.
So as you know, I have really long frees on Thursdays due to the fact that I have a lesson, free, lunch, free, and then another lesson. To occupy myself today I was with Hollie and Charly in Starbucks (yes, I do live there - sometimes. I also live in the charity shop where they sell hot chocolate for 50p. Mmm.) and we went a bit hyper on our Boots-meal-deal lunches... we ended up daring each other to come into college wearing tights, boots and a long coat with nothing underneath and then thinking of who we could get to do it for us. We then ended up pulling faces at people going past Starbucks (oh, the beauty of window seats) and in the end I actually jumped against the window, several times, causing quite a few people outside to give me funny looks. It was mucho amusing. Then I ended up doing a Jedi mind trick kind of hand movement to a person standing outside (and since there's a bus stop outside Starbucks, it wasn't just one person) and he gave me a funny look, walked on, then turned around and gave me another one. It was awesome. Best frees I've had for ages!
Anyway I'll see you guys tomorrow (after a test essay in history... oh joy.)
Molly x
I ripped off Sharpay's face today. Why did I never think of buying a High School Musical advent calendar before? It's so therapeutic!
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