So what if I'm using the significance of the current date as a replacement for the interesting title I can't be arsed to make up? There is no other day in the year which is as widely recognized and important as the 25th of December and its surrounding dates, so I may as well make the most of it while it's here.
So. Christmas Eve. It still doesn't feel particularly Christmassy, especially as my mum's in OMG-IT'S-CHRISTMAS-MUST-TIDY-HOUSE mode and is running around like a headless chicken, as she is every Christmas. Every year we say we'll be more organised, but this is us, and it never happens. Welcome to the madhouse!
Actually I quite like it that way. It's how my family has lived for the past sixteen and a half years and, I imagine, how we will continue to live.
Ignore the total crap I'm writing. I don't have anything new to tell you, because nothing interesting happened at work last night, and I'm listening to Bad Romance so I'm a bit distractified. Listening to music whilst writing is always an interesting combination, so I've discovered.
I don't want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need... well maybe not that specific, but I do want an actual good quality microphone so I can finally record for YouTube without sounding like I've got a busy motorway plus a clock in the background. Not a good look. Or sound.
Basically everything else on my list is from the Wicked the musical merchandise shop (though most of it's from the American one so I doubt my parents would have bothered with that). But as long as I get the mic, I'll be happy. (That makes me sound really ungrateful; obviously I won't be too upset if I don't get it, but I'd really love it.) Still, we'll have to wait and see. How exciting!
I'm impossibly bored, as we have people coming over at 7:30 but it's still only 5:00 and it's too early to start getting ready, so I'm looking up my teachers on Facebook... as you do. Don't worry, I'm not going to add them or anything really nerdy like that - it's just funny to see their display pictures. So far I've found Hannah, Zoe (my media teacher), and about four teachers from my old school. I think John, my history teacher, is too much of a generic name (John Bennett) to be able to find him and Victoria, my IT teacher, is just not a Facebooky person, methinks, despite being a computery person.
Okay now it's time to get ready. Half six. That time went quickly; as you can probably infer from the understood knowledge that the above paragraph would not have taken me an hour and a half to write, I got distracted by other things. Probably Facebook, knowing me.
So. Merry Christmas, mon amies, and I hope you have/had (for all you people celebrating today) a great day.
Molly x
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