Monday, 9 April 2012

April 9th: Spain, rain and a couple of Danes

Apparently it's currently 20 degrees in the place in Spain I'm moving to in September. I, meanwhile, am sitting in an extremely cold room in Devon, which is supposed to be one of the warmest places in England, with hands like icebergs, procrastinating and watching the rain pissing it down outside.

I love my life.

Seriously though. In about two and half weeks' time, I will get to see Tarragona for the first time - I'm just popping over to Spain for the weekend, as you do - and I am, quite frankly, terrified. After my dad first suggested that I go and have a look around before I move there properly, I deliberated about it for three days. But I spent the nights that accompanied those three days lying awake getting nervous about it, which proved to me that I had to do it. If I hadn't, the nerves that I'm already feeling about making this trip would still be there in September, but a thousand times more intense, and I figure that anything I can do to make that transition a little less stressful is probably worth it. I mean, what if I hate it? Unlikely, but what if I do? Or what if... I don't know, just what if? There's really nothing to be nervous about, I know, but I am anyway. Maybe that's just me. But I wouldn't have gone to uni here in England without going and looking around it first, so this is technically a completely normal step.

Ironically, both the day I found out I was going to Spain and the day I found out I could stay for a year (rather than just a semester) were after I had been out with friends the night before and stumbled home at ridiculous times in the early hours of the morning. Both times I did an extremely active happy dance - for which my sleep deprived, alcohol riddled and mysteriously bruised body despised me greatly. Maybe I should go on nights out more often... they're clearly good luck for receiving good news the day after. Shame I'm never really in the mindset to celebrate it.

In other news, my birthday is in exactly two weeks - after Lauren's, which was last week, Zoe's, which is on Saturday, and Becky's, which is on the 19th. It feels strange to think that I only have one year and two weeks left of being a teenager - but then I can't really help feeling old these days, especially when I consider that my little brother is starting college this year and will, next year, be able to start learning to drive, and my cousin, whom I swear was about nine the last time I looked, is now embarking on her GCSEs. And we're at uni! We learned to drive and moved out and went to uni. It seems that the older you get, the faster life goes, and it's unnerving.

I suppose that was one of the reasons I decided to extend my stay in Spain to a year. Judging by how fast this academic year has gone, I would only just have settled in after a semester and then I'd have had to come home again. At least this way I'll have more time to soak up the Mediterranean atmosphere - and pick up some Spanish, which is an ambition of mine.

I'm going back to York the day before my birthday, but via Manchester airport to meet both Cora, who's staying with me for the week (and coming to Spain with me, yaaaay!) and Louise, my Danish friend from uni, whose plane (from the same airport as Cora's) arrives at almost exactly the same time. It mystifies me as to why two different airlines would fly from the same place to the same place at the same time, but there you go. But it's going to be amazing!

Hmm, another boring post. I seem to have misplaced my pretentious writer... oh well, I'm sure I'll locate her again soon enough.

Molly x

1 comment:

Zoƫ said...

This post was soo not boring! And I'm not just saying that. As I was reading it, I found it so intriguing and so true. Your posts make me think and in a good way -your posts come to life.

It is strange how fast we are growing up, and it's the beginning really. This has been the practice stage with our stablisers on and turning 20 next year or even just beginning Uni and moving away is the start of removing them and getting out into the real world. It is exciting and it's not just you; everyone is feeling the nerves right now. Me with my driving test for example. My dad said yesterday that having nerves is good and like you said about lying away thinking about it for three days with those nerves obviously means it's something you want to do.

It's all very very exciting!! :) xx