Thursday 19 April 2012

April 19th: And the rest

Like the title says, here's the the rest of the quiz I started last week that was too long to post all in one go.

Have you ever cried over someone?

Do you have a grudge against anyone?
No, not right now.

Do people praise you for your looks?
Occasionally... no more than other people get complimented, I assume.

Did you fall for someone you shouldn’t?
I've never been in love, so I guess not.

Have you ever done something bad but you don’t regret?
I'm not really a bad girl. I've skipped the odd lesson or two (or three) and I tried a cigarette outside a nightclub and thought it was disgusting, but apart from that I am as boring as they come.

Do you like getting hurt?
Does anyone?

Does anyone hate you?
I hope not!

Did you slap anyone whose name starts with an “R”?
God, I can't remember all the people I've slapped! Haha no, I don't think so.

What hair color do you prefer?
On myself? I think I'll only ever be a brunette, because in addition to actually liking my hair colour, I think it would be quite difficult to dye as it's quite dark. I like ginger hair though, especially with green eyes.

If you can change anything about yourself, what is it?
Ooh, a difficult one. Hmm... I trust people very easily and that has let me down, because people let me down. I'll also be the one to change if the situation needs adapting.

Do you have issues with somebody in your school?

Can you live without internet?
God no. Are you mad?

What’s the song that remind you of your special someone?
Come on, people, we've established that I don't have a "special someone"!

Are you good at holding back your tears?
Yes, if I have to.

Are you a crybaby?
No. I rarely cry - only occasionally at TV shows, frequently when I'm really angry (which is the most frustrating thing in the world) and almost never when I'm upset.

Have you ever experienced being hysterical?
Almost, I think.

Do you study hard?
Er, yes. Totally.

Have you ever sacrificed something important to you for someone you love?
Nothing big, I don't think.

Did you ever had a kiss under the moonlight?
Well, I've had many if you count being inside under the moonlight - oh, actually, there was one on the smoking terrace of a club, does that count?

Have you ever ridden a boat?
Many, many times!

Did you have an accident last year?
No, last year was awesome! I did my best to make it so and it was.

What kind of person are you?
I can be quite quiet, but only when I have to talk to large groups of people I don't know at once. I'm very friendly and I'm very loyal and I can also be quite loud if I'm excited/drunk/happy/with my closest friends. And especially if I'm all four.

Have you ever thought of killing someone?
No! That is a disturbing question.

Have you ever been jealous?
Yes, I can get quite jealous.

How can you prove your love to someone?
I say it a lot, but I'll also try and do things that let people know I'm thinking of them. I guess one example is that I wrote my mum a song for her birthday to let her know I wasn't leaving just because I was moving out and I think that was really the only way I could have let her know that, because my mum and I don't have the kind of relationship where we talk about things like that very often.

Who is the 6th person in your contacts?
Another person I used to go to school with called Annie.

Do you have any memories you want to erase?
I'm pretty sure everyone does.

Have you been hurt so bad that you can’t find words to explain how you feel?
I'm not the most eloquent of people when I speak, so I suppose so.

Do you have trust issues?
No, I don't think so.

Do you think all the pain is worth it?
Depends what kind of pain it is and what causes it.

Do you believe in the phrase “If it’s meant to be, it will be”?
Absolutely. I don't believe fate and destiny control your entire life, but I believe that they do control some areas of it, and that in the end we will end up where we're meant to be.

Have you ever thought “I already found my soulmate”?
I don't think soulmates have to be romantic, so yes, I know I have found my soulmate.

How do you look right now?
Pretty ridiculous, I'd imagine, since I've just got out of the bath and I'm sitting here with a towel on my head. And my body, before you start imagining things.

Do you believe that first true love never dies?
I believe that true love exists, but I don't know if I believe that it never dies. I'd like to think that everybody has a "one", but that would be a depressing thought if you somehow lost your "one", so I think you can fall in love with more than one person.

Have you found your true love?
No... but I'm sure he's out there somewhere.

What should you be doing right now?
A grammar assignment on the passive voice. Welcome to my exciting life.

Did you ever feel like you’re not good enough?
All the time when I was younger. But I've grown out of that now and now I know I only have to be good enough for myself.

Molly x

1 comment:

Zoƫ said...

I find these quizzes so intriguing. I may take the whole thing and see where that takes me. I like that feel that you are good enough. Even now I still go from one to another even though like you said, you should only have to please yourself. I should definitely take that on board :)