Tuesday, 30 November 2010

November 30th: The first replicated date on Mind's Eye of Mine.

As of 8:20PM this evening, this blog will have officially been my little corner of the Internet for one year. One whole year and this page is still here, still fairly regularly updated, still displaying my boring and irrelevant feelings for the whole world to see. I started off sharing this with only one person, a person who knew everything I was writing about anyway - and now, 645 pageviews and fifteen reader nationalities later, here we are, and how we've changed.

Like I said, everybody I have ever met has changed me, and a year brings a lot of people into one's life. These last two years have been probably two of the most eventful I've had so far; let's see. Since October two years ago, not in order, I've had the death of two grandparents; an operation on my mum; an 'interesting' blip at school; around 40 exams, consisting of GCSEs, AS Levels and a music qualification; getting my braces off; prom; my first job; college; meeting a hell of a lot of new people; becoming friends with Lauren; performing in public for the first time; having quite a few fairly epic sleepovers; going to Switzerland; making two short films for media; forming Octava and doing our concert; meeting Cora in person for the first time; seeing her four times after that; doing Henley Youth Festival with her; seeing Wicked with her and Zoe as the fourth time I've seen it; flying to Denmark and Scotland on my own; recording a song; getting my nana's engagement ring from my grandad; two results days; deciding to study English Language and Linguistics at university; applying to university; getting an exemplar personal statement and a full marks piece in English; my mum buying a house and renting it out; my auntie getting cancer (but it luckily being caught really early so she's okay); first house party; getting four uni offers within a week and two days of my application being sent off; first kiss; possible 'relationship' prospects with two boys, liked another two... (I'm not a slut, I promise).

It's a startling list and it is by no means exhaustive, but it proves my point - if you make a list of how much you've been through over the past couple of years, there will be a lot. Big things and small, everything will have affected you and just looking at this proves to me how much I've grown. Aside from the obvious - the obvious being that of course I've grown, I'm two years older - if you really think about it, it's quite scary. I can't even remember who I was a year ago, let alone two years, and those of you who have been reading since this blog's birth have been here to watch me form into an actual human being instead of the grumpy, insecure piece of crap I was when I first created Mind's Eye of Mine. I guess all I wanted to say, in my typical characteristic way of using far too many words and talking about myself too much, is thank you. Thank you for being here, thank you for stumbling across this however you did, and thank you for finding me and my story and my pretentious writing interesting enough to stick around.

I only started a blog because I couldn't keep a diary. I tried, but I was too surgically attached to my laptop to find the time to write on paper (and trust me, surgical attachment is an intimidating prospect - not easy to break), so I considered this a good compromise. And if I'm being perfectly honest, although this blog is for me to look back upon in the future and recapture moments of my life, there was always the chance that people would happen upon it and enjoy reading it. Writing is my 'thing', my passion and my talent, (and my proof of up-myself-ness), and I, like any human being, like getting recognition for my 'thing'. Like I said, I am not a very nice person and I am definitely not perfect. Or maybe I am perfect, since according to me, that means imperfect. But we won't start complicated linguistic ponderings today. But you are my perfectly imperfect, imperfectly perfect readers, and I value your presence here on the blog very highly indeed - even those of you who don't talk to me. Leave me a comment, pretty please?

I'm feeling like we should be celebrating. Champagne would do, or maybe even cake, but I have neither, so - Toblerone anyone? I did have chocolate M&Ms and Toffifees too the other day, but watching Grey's Anatomy is a hungry business. And chocolate M&Ms are my weakness. Nobody gets my M&Ms.

Well. One of my weaknesses. I have rather a few when it comes to chocolate.

Anyway, it's time for me to bugger off and actually do something productive for once, so I shall end my pointless ramblings here.

See you soon, bloglings.

Molly x

P.S. Freddie and I got advent calendars yesterday - the first time in three years we haven't left it until the first of December. And they're Cadbury... no High School Musical for us this year. Shame. I kind of liked ripping all their faces off. Do you think it would be as therapeutic with a Justin Bieber calendar?

P.P.S. see December 1st's post from last year if you don't know what I'm on about.


Cora said...

Hahaha, ahh yes you and your M&Ms...
You have grown as have I, it's a funny thing to think about really. I mean to see where we started out and how we change and grow be it for the better or worse.
I love all of your posts and I wish I had your gift of writing but alas I do not.
Luckily enough I have the ability to read what you write and I have that to amuse myself with. You always touch something within me when I read your blog.
And for that I want to say thank you.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings, thank you for letting us into your life.

Zoƫ said...

Cute and lovely, Molly but please could you not talk negetivly about yourself "I am not a very nice person.." oh helloooooo what are you talking about!!!!!! You don't relise that you are nice person and if you do realise then don't hide it. Shout it out to the world. Telling these people, who don't know you like Cora may stop reading your posts because they think there is nothing special, but there is. So stop it!!! you are amazing, no on is perfect and we all have evil sides ocassionally, but why focus on that. You have talent, you can sing, and yes well..believe it!!!!!!! you write beautfifully, you are so philosophical and have drop dead looks, like seriously. Not making it up!!! (Cora back me up on this)


Molly said...

Aww! You guys! Aww, you made me blush. And I never blush. I love you both too, you gorgeous pair of knobs. <3