Friday, 5 November 2010

November 5th: Old school blog style

First off, happy bonfire night. Remember, remember the 5th of November and all that...

I don't really know what to write about. I'm in one of those frustrating moods where you want to do something but you don't know what; you can't channel your creativity in quite the right direction. Uncategorized inspiration. Very irritating. So I figured I'd just start writing and sooner or later words will appear on the page - though whether or not they actually make sense is a different story.

The sky is very grey today, and a light smattering of rain is drifting down from the sky. This kind of weather always makes me remember a very unremarkable moment which happened a few years ago now. I was in Devon with my parents, visiting my grandparents, and I'd gone for a walk with my dad and my brother along a coastal path to a lighthouse. It was a cold day, drizzling but still, and so foggy that although you could hear the sea crashing against the rocks below you, you couldn't actually see any of it.

My dad and Freddie were hanging back, talking about something, and I walked on a bit and then stopped and looked out at the sea. There were no sounds except the sea and I could see nothing except grey fog - and although the mental picture I'm creating right now is a dull, almost depressing one, it was sort of beautiful in a way. It felt like I was the only person in the world.

Sometimes I remember that day and I wonder what it would be like to just go somewhere nobody knows me and start my life again. Not because there's anything wrong with the one I've got now, but just to try it, to see what's out there. It would definitely be amazing to live in a different country for a while... naturally, like the knob I am, I didn't really consider studying abroad until after I sent my UCAS application and now it's too late, but I could still do a year overseas. I'd love to do that (especially if it was in Denmark. It's ridiculous how much I love it there - but I'd have to make more of an effort to learn Danish because to be honest I'm currently about as competent at speaking it as an ant is at carrying a piano. Still, the acquisition of a language is something I'm very interested in and, according to the universities I've applied to, it's certainly an advantage when studying linguistics to be 'learning' another language so you can find similarities between that and English - which is something I do automatically. Language freaks 'r' us.)

Speaking of language freaks, yesterday Hollie described the current English government as "ConDemNation", which I thought was total genius. Apparently she'd seen it in a newspaper and also thought it was genius - a rare occurence for Hollie (who is absolutely not a language freak) to be impressed by wordplay, but she likes politics. Can't imagine anything more boring myself... but then again, this coming from the girl who sat laughing her head off at Eats Shoots and Leaves in a public place and, even more worryingly, identified with every word it says.

Yesterday we had to make timelines on language change for English, and I had a little space in the corner of mine when I was finished perfect for a picture, but no picture relevant to the subject. So I asked Becky what I should put and she said "a cat", so we Googled cats and found this picture:

And I put it on my timeline and handed it in to Anna (who is my other English teacher, incase I haven't mentioned her, with whom I'm doing language change. I still have Hannah too; she's teaching us child language acquisition at the moment). Later, I had just met Becky outside her English classroom when Hannah, who was talking to Anna, saw me and goes "Molly, why is there a screaming cat on your timeline?"

I was just like "that was Becky."

Good times. And then I asked Hannah what she wanted me to do about my personal statement, because she wants it, and she goes to Anna, "Molly's personal statement is a fantastic exemplar response"... which is a total lie because it's a load of bollocks. Still, nice to hear!

Octava has a 'concert' tomorrow, for about fifteen minutes at the first ever Goring Gap event, which I think is basically local schools and other random music groups like us showing off for a bit. Still, it should be good, if my voice can just stay alive for one more day. It has an irritating tendency of giving up on me at completely inappropriate times, and the phrase for this, my friends, is simply "how rude". How rude!

This is rather like the old blog posts I used to write about my actual life, rather than waffling on about random crap and making every post say the same thing in different ways. I didn't know it would turn out like this... probably why I left choosing a title to the last minute. Hmm. I don't really have the most interesting of lives so there isn't really anything else to write here... I'll be back at some point with more boring crap, I suppose. ;)

Molly x

1 comment:

Zoƫ said...

Love the screaming cat by the way. It's a shame no one comments on your posts because I get quite intrigued with what you write and likewise began my journal entry for yesterday: Remember, remember the 5th of November. Though if I remember correctly I spelt the last remember wrong and forgot to put the "em" in the middle due to my haste of writing.

I could totally relate to the waves story as it sounds like something familiar in my life, but I just can't put my finger on it. But anyway I have definitely been in that situation where I felt like I am the only person in the world and feel comforted by it - where and when that was, I have no idea, probably in field or some woods, a big open space kind of thing. You actually feel sort of free. Haha I am the one who is rambling on and just read you previous post as I must have missed out on that. I definitely was rambling in my post this morning - such ramblers we are, but I think thats what makes it great, to write.

Yeah, I'll stop typing