Monday, 1 March 2010

March 1st: IT'S MARCH!

It's March, it's March, it's Marchy-Marchy-March! You have no idea how amazing this is yet, but fear not; I shall explain.

Firstly let me apologize for the complete emo-ness of my last post. I promise you I'm not always that depressed, though I do have a tendency to focus on my inadequacies instead of making the most of the few strengths I do have. Anyway, I'll try to make these posts more "happifying" in future; people obviously have their own problems, without wanting to read about mine too.

For the record, Freddie's thingy at Wembley didn't even happen. He's still basking in the glory of being on TV though.

Let me also apologize for the incredible length of time that has lapsed since the aforementioned emo post was written. College decided to lump all my coursework on me at once, especially IT, and since that is when I usually write here (indeed, when I'm writing here right now) I haven't had the time or the inclination really to pick up my metaphorical pen again to post. One gets out of the habit of doing these things, don't you think?

So. It's March and the Sun is shining, which is such a novelty, as it hasn't been sunny and 'warm' since last September. The Sun has emerged from its long absence in the clutching embrace of those evil clouds to announce to us the arrival of the month that signifies the beginning of spring, Cora's visit, and us seeing Wicked on the night of its 2010 cast change.

Yes, you heard correctly, dear reader! (I have always wanted to say that, though I've always thought it's a bit cheesy to refer to one's audience as 'dear' anything. Still, that's one lifelong ambition fulfilled.) Cora is staying with me, here in England, from Friday the 26th March to Sunday the 28th. Two whole days. A whole weekend! I intend to savour every one of the rare moments that I share with her. And we are going to be busy. It always seems like Cora chooses amazing times to come to England - last time it was Halloween, so she got to experience that, and this time we have Henley Youth Festival on Friday night, Marion's birthday party on Saturday and Wicked on Saturday evening. We're going to be busy. Sunday before Cora leaves can just be for... well, anything. Talking. Pushing the door of her room slightly in the morning to see if she's awake and then waiting until she lies down again and then going in. (I know that was random, but hey, that's us). Basically, I can not wait... I miss her! Imagine if your best friend lived literally a thousand miles away and you could never have them there every day to hang out with or talk to or laugh with or watch movies with or hug. Imagine if you had to make the most of every single moment because you don't know how long it will be before you see her in person again... that's us. Yes, it sucks, but there's nothing we can do about it so we have to live with it. (That's why it annoys me when my friends say we're like stamp collectors; imagine how many times you've hugged your best friend throughout your life, and now imagine how much Cora and I have to catch up on. We've only met in person three times).

So anyway, I just realized how freaking much I have to tell you guys. I guess a lot happens in a couple of months.

(Random point: did I tell you Hannah-English-teacher is following me on Twitter? That made me very happy. xD)

So anyway. A couple of weeks ago there was an English Language conference in London that I went to with Charlotte, and seeing as I was the only person I know who didn't find it completely mind-numbingly boring and actually enjoyed a whole day of listening to people speak about English Language, I have consequently made up my mind that I want to do English Lang at uni and, after talking to Hannah, I want to go to Cardiff uni to do it. I know I'm a bit too young to be looking at universities, but apparently they recommend that you at least look at various different places in your first year of college. Just to be prepared and all that. I doubt I'll get in to Cardiff, since I need an A and two Bs, but I really want to go there and as Hannah said, I apparently have the 'drive and determination' to do it. To be honest I just want to go to uni in Wales. They have some really awesome accents. ;)

So anyway, after the English Lang conference had finished, Charlotte and I paid a visit to Oxford Street. My very first visit to Oxford Street, to Charlotte's disbelief. But we went to all the shops and I bought a dress (which came in very handy the next day, when Becky forgot to bring a costume for the filming of my media movie), and we even had time to pay the world's quickest four-minute visit to McDonald's before we got on our train home. Cora was, of course, haunting that McDonald's in Paddington station, as we went in there on Wicked day when I accidentally on purpose forgot to tell Becky and Zoe the time of the train home so we missed it.

Don't you think it's ridiculous that one has to pay 30p to use the toilets in Paddington station? I mean why should a human's basic needs be used as a money making scheme? It just doesn't seem right somehow. I know food is also a basic need that we pay for, but... do you see what I mean?

We got some more reports from college on Friday, and tomorrow night is Parents' Evening. My report was okay, but I'm a tiny bit apprehensive about the fact that I skived IT on Friday and that Viking might mention it to my parents. Oh well, I told Isy in media to tell Viking that I was ill, (Isy's in my media and IT class) so she probably did. I'm dropping IT at the end of this year anyway; it's too much coursework on top of everything else, so I'm thinking of taking up human biology instead.

But yeah, reports. Hannah clearly still loves me. XD I compared this report with my last one and she was equally as nice to me as before. Well, I do suck up to her quite a lot. I just hope I can be amazing at English and get an A, and then she'd really love me. xD

Ooh, I was waiting to go into IT earlier, and I could hear what Megan was listening to on her iPod because her music was really loud, and I was like "OMG IS THAT RENT?"

Naturally a discussion about musicals ensued and I told her about how I'm seeing Wicked for the fourth time at the end of March. I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it! <3

Anyway, you know at the end of my last post I said I kept feeling really dizzy, among other things? Those things still haven't gone away and Charlotte is convinced that it's a psychological problem, rather than a physical one. She made me tell her everything that's wrong and she Googled it, and apparently all the evidence points to the fact that I have a repressed memory buried somewhere in my unconscious mind. Which is slightly unnerving. I don't know what repressed memory could be making me feel like this; but then, I wouldn't, would I? That's why it's repressed. Still, as far as I can remember I had a fairly uneventful childhood. But we'll see what comes of it. Charlotte is determined to cure me - whether or not she's that bothered about me or just wants to be able to say she cured her friend of a psychological problem after only six months of psychology study. I don't think it is psychological at all, but it might work. We'll have to see.

Hannah-from-media and I finally finished our film! Becky and Zoe were excellent in it, especially as I brought the filming forward by a day and sprung it on them that morning. We did come across quite a few problems but I'm very pleased with the way it turned out in the end. I did the editing and directing, among other things, and Hannah was filming, among other things. I think we made a fabulous team. There are a few continuity issues in there but our teacher didn't notice so I guess we've got away with it for now.

Anyway, I should be going to bed, so I'll be back to write more... at some point. I will refrain from saying 'soon' as everytime I do it just disappear for months on end.

Toodles, blog.

Molly x

1 comment:

Cora said...

I love your blogs!
And no I am not just saying that cause you are my best friend, in fact my twin seperated by annoying time!

If I came upon this blog I would read it and love every bit of it. Gods I wish I could use language like you!

I love you so much and YEEEAAAAHHH it is FINALLY freaking March!

Cause we do need to make up for the lack of them ;)

Yours always "eb" Cora