Saturday, 9 January 2010

January 9th: So this is what it's like to live on rations.

Once again, I will start a post by saying how sorry I am that I haven't written anything here for AGES... and this time I really have no excuse, since college has been closed for the last three days due to snow, and I should have been revising for my impending exams but instead got addicted to 90210 and spent all of yesterday watching back-to-back episodes on YouTube. Yes, I know it's really, really typical LA-rich-girl-story type crap, but it's addictive. Trust my wisdom.

Sooo. The snow is still just as thick as it was three days ago, and with the exam board refusing to postpone the exams this week, it means that I have to get to a town half an hour's drive away from me with no car (since my dad's 4x4 will be going with him to work and my mum's car wouldn't last a minute in this snow), no college bus, and no normal bus. I will have to walk, in the snow, down to Pangbourne station, which by the way is a 45 minute walk in normal weather, and then catch two trains to college all by 9:00AM on Monday morning. And it's supposed to snow again tonight. Just to top everything off, the exam board has said that if candidates do not sit the exams at the scheduled time and date, they will have to pay to "resit" (or actually sit it in the first place) in June. And it's eighteen quid. And I am NOT amused.

AND I'm fully aware that it's grammatically incorrect to start a sentence with "and", but even grammar freaks can make exceptions when they're pissed off. God knows, the rest of the human race does. Besides, sometimes, if one knows the rules of grammar, one is entitled to break them.

Sorry for that grumpy little start there. Where was I?

Oh yes, I believe I'd just finished telling you about my Christmas presents. Well, since nothing really exciting happened over the rest of the Christmas holidays (except seeing Avatar on new year's eve - watch it. It's great.) and me finally getting Cora's present on the one day I went to college this week (Tuesday, before the snowfall - I've been waiting for it for almost a month, and it chooses the one day I'm not standing at the window, waiting for the postman to come. Not that I did that anyway). She got me lots of sweets (awesome), chocolate (mouthwatering), a fabtabulous letter which made me laugh so much whilst reading it, and an amazing Medina CD, who, if you don't know, is a Danish singer whose music I just adore because... well, because it's awesome and Danish. And catchy, too.

Speaking of Cora, our plans for March (when we're going to see the Wicked cast change night - eeeeep!) are finally feeling real. I booked our Wicked tickets last week and Cora booked her flights too, so now it's really happening and I'm so excited already. I can't wait to see her again! Especially as I made her get the earlier flight so she's coming to Henley and I'm going to meet her in my free and show her Henley and my college. Which will be awesome. And I have a sneaky feeling I might make her meet Hannah as well... I mean that would just be so funny. But we'll see. ;)

Last week I bumped into my friend Sarah, whom I haven't seen since August - she went to Langtree too, but we went to different colleges - twice in the same week, which was an awesome coincidence. Once was when I was in Reading with Becky, and the second time was when she saw the same showing of Avatar as me on new year's eve.

Now it's 23:05 and I should probably be going to bed, considering that I haven't actually revised for English yet and my exam is in two days. I need to be awake tomorrow for a last minute cramming session, methinks. (Although I did a lot of history today - I went to Hollie's and we revised for almost four and a half hours). Nonetheless, I always do things at the most inappropriate times, hence why I'm still here writing now. Besides, I just went really hyper after tea so I'm still calming down.

I think it was due to finally eating meat again. You see, because of the snow, there's been a mad panic - people rushing out to grab what food they can from shops, saving food and stuff - and we've been living on vegetable soup and the like, which is great, but it's just... not satisfying. I know some people can live without meat and have all the energy in the world, but I just can't and since I haven't eaten a good steak or anything since before Christmas, I was starting to feel really weak and tired all the time. Obviously I had turkey and stuff at Christmas but it's just not enough. I don't know how vegetarians do it (yes, Cora, I mean you.) but today we finally had a really nice big juicy steak and it's amazing how quickly it's made a difference to my energy levels. xD

Anyway, it's time I was going to bed, so I'll see you again soon enough. And I mean it this time.


Molly x

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