Thursday, 21 January 2010

January 21st: Epic fails and other such... fails.

I was pondering earlier on a rather increasingly pressing question; why is my brother so awesome and me such an epic fail of a person?

Let me explain. There is a band entitled the Light Years which comprises of 3 ex-Langtree students (and one random other guy). The ex-Langtree students now teach musical instruments at Langtree - Tony drums, George guitar and Chris piano - and Freddie, my brother, plays the drums (and the piano, though he learns that out of school). A while ago, the Light Years' friend, Josh something, was approached by the phone company T-Mobile, who asked him what he'd do with 1000 free texts. Josh replied that he'd create a superband, so he got the Light Years together, along with all their music students, and they filmed a nationwide TV advert for T-Mobile. So now Freddie is on TV, admittedly for only about two seconds (which can be a lot longer than you think) and the song in the advert is being released as a single in the charts. Now, Freddie has been informed that the Light Years, along with their superband, might be playing at Wembley Stadium along with the likes of Jedward (I know, I know) and Pixie Lott - not that I'm bothered about meeting either of them, but the kid is thirteen years old, and look at everything he's accomplished. He's also like a supernerd, grade four piano, and has a load of girls after him even though he's about the most annoying person ever to exist (and it's not just me, even my parents say he is). And he got all the looks from my parents.

Me? I've got 11 GCSEs, two crappy unpublished 200+ page stories and grade four singing. Whoop-dee-doo.

(Although I was only two marks off distinction, and it was my first music exam. Still).

To get back to Freddie, where was I when he went to London to film the advert? I was doing a Christmas concert at a tiny school fair with Octava, out of which I got nothing but being tired for work that evening. I wanted to go with Freddie, but I chose to go with Octava instead because I'm so damn loyal to everybody and I hate letting people down. Loyalty never gets you anywhere, I've found, because I forgot that most of the population of the world is willing to use you to get what they want and then ditch you at the last minute. I've spent my entire life being loyal and not letting people down, and where has it got me? Sixteen years old with nothing particularly special accomplished yet, very little confidence and having never had a proper boyfriend, whereas those who just move through life without looking back at the damage they're leaving in their wake are either super successful, super confident or super popular, or all three. It's so unfair. Those who are bitches shouldn't be rewarded for it; when does life ever come through for people like me?

Maybe it's a matter of morals. I do not want to be like the 'popular girls' from my year at Langtree. (Not so much anymore; there isn't such a social hierarchy at Henley, thank God.) I do not want to be a slut with no idea of right or wrong, I don't want to exist purely to bitch and take the piss, and I do not want to be like every other stupid person in the world, just following the crowd. More than that - I refuse to conform to the stereotype of 'teenager'... I will not let my age shape my personality. I will not change who I am just to fit in. I am me, and I only wish I had the confidence to believe in the person I know is hiding in me somewhere. I can do it when it's just me, but whenever something challenges me I shrink down and I hide and it frustrates me! I don't want people to see this ridiculous shadow of me, because I know that if I could only show them my true self they wouldn't think me so "quiet". I am not quiet!

I just want to come out of this shell I was forced into so long ago. I want to be somebody, do something instead of just plodding along through life. Still I get the feeling that if I want to do anything like performing, which I never even realized was an option for me until I discovered Wicked when I was in year ten, it's too late. To do something like that you need to be in stage school from a young age, and I'm not getting any younger. I feel like time is pressing down on me to make a decision and I'm not ready for this responsibility yet. I feel like I'm still in year eight, like I'm really still twelve and life is moving on, leaving me struggling to catch up. Even though I've been singing my entire life, I only did a talent show for the first time back in 2008. I left it so late, because I was scared of... what? What people would think? I don't know what I was - am - scared of, but I still have that fear. It's a fear of falling, of crashing - and if I say this it's going to sound like a line from a cheesy song - but I'm starting to learn that people who don't crash never live. The thing is, I'm feeling like I've already crashed too many times and I don't even remember living.

Anyway. I'm sorry about that... I don't quite know where all of that came from. Anyway I've got other stuff to tell you, so... moving on.

History exam. I believe that was the first thing on my list of what I haven't talked about yet. It went okay - I think I passed, since the pass mark is an E, but one never does know. I suppose I'll have to wait until March to find out. (Or February 26th, when our reports are being sent home. Yay... is it weird that I look forward to reports/exam results sometimes?)

Last week I went back to English straight after the history exam without eating anything first... bad idea. I get so much of an adrenaline rush in exams which involve a lot of writing that I am exhausted by the time I come out, and I usually have to eat chocolate or something afterwards but this time I just went straight back into English and I was so low on energy I was actually shaking. XD whoops. Methinks I won't do that again. Anyway so we're looking at style models in English, for our coursework, and we had to write an autobiographical piece, and Hannah made us write an embarrassing moment. (Actually I did a memorable moment, because I told Hannah my embarrassing moment in the lesson. After she told me two of hers, of course, which I won't write here as I think she might kill me if she ever finds out. xD) You can have mine, though: I went on a school trip to France in year eight, and after spending a lazy afternoon on the beach, we started packing up to go back to our youth hostel. I asked my tutor if it was okay for me to go as I was, i.e. wearing jeans and a bikini top, and she replied, looking worryingly amused, that I was popping out. My stupid slightly-too-small bikini had slipped, leaving one of my boobs on show to my entire year plus quite a few of my teachers. Now if that's not embarrassing I don't know what is. I know, why don't you leave a comment and tell me yours? ;)

Speaking of Hannah, she's been ill since Monday and today she was finally back. It is seriously quite funny how much we miss her when she's not there; that is how awesome she is. When we have to have a different teacher it's like NOOOOOO! (Whereas in any other lesson it's like "Thank God. Christmas has come early.") I don't know how I'll survive if I have a different English teacher next year. Anyway so I was loitering after the lesson today, as I do every lesson, and Becky had come into my classroom to find me/to be amused by Hannah. Hannah was reading Tom's embarrassing moment and went "Smooth", and Becky said "So that's why you say smooth!"

It's true. Hannah's words rub off on me. Actually, everybody's words rub off on me.

I said to Hannah "Yes! You make me say words!"

And Hannah replied "Yes... I'm an English teacher... that's what I do."

I was thinking, hilarious. Very witty. Not. But I said, very articulately, "Yeah, but you made me say innit. Even though I only say it to take the piss out of people who do say it."

"I say it ironically," was Hannah's response, and I replied, "Yeah. Me too."

I am just so good at expressing myself when I'm speaking. I think you may have gathered by now that I'm much better when I'm writing. It's a shame, that, since speech is such a necessary part of life.

Random point: my mother, who is very disappointed about my lack of mathematical ability, always says "Maths is everything!"

(She's not a maths nerd. She's just trying to emphasize how important maths is in today's world... which is considerably less important than in her day, since now one has a mobile phone with a calculator on it on one's person at most times.)

I always reply, "No, English is everything. That is what we speak every minute of the day, after all."

Funnily enough, she doesn't find that as argument-halting (for want of a better word) as I do. It's only because she can't spell.

(Just kidding, Mummy. Love you really.)

But she really can't spell.

Today I got a text from an unknown number which said "You look really nice today =) x x"

I was very intrigued. I lost all my numbers when my SIM corrupted and I changed my phone (oh yeah - I inherited my dad's old iPaq, which is awesome, but doesn't store any of my old numbers) so I wasn't sure who it was. I eventually found out it was Charly by comparing numbers with the ones on my other phone... but why would Charly text me something as random as that? I mean it's lovely to hear, but still. I could tell it was a female anyway; the writing style is just so feminine. I thought it might have been Lexi actually.

Speaking of Lexi, yesterday she told me that one of the (very hot) boys in our year had said to her "Molly is so fit." I found that hilarious, because let's face it: 'fit' is so not a word to be applied to me. I think Lexi might have been making that up, to be quite honest. She's one of those people who only talk to you/are nice to you when they want something and I'm not sure if I trust her or not. Still, nice to hear even if it was made up.
It's now the 22nd of January and I'm in media, finishing off this post because I didn't get time to last night. There isn't all that much more I have to tell you, but just a few things:

I swear, there is something weird going on with me. XD Yesterday in English my heart suddenly started beating literally about five times faster than normal and I felt really dizzy. I really thought something was going to happen... I just asked Hannah if I could go to the loo and once I was out of the class I felt better, but I have never had to leave a class before because I've been so sure that something would happen. I am the let's-not-make-a-fuss-I'll-see-if-I-can-make-it-to-the-end-of-the-lesson type... not always a great way to be. I just don't like being the centre of attention if it's for embarrassing reasons. Or if I'm with people I don't like. Of course I don't like being ignored either. ;)

Anyway I have to go now, so I'll see you guys soon.

Molly x

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

January 13th: Exciting developments...

Well hello!

I have quite a bit to tell you again, and since college is closed again due to snow (even for the exam students - there are a lot of angry posts on Facebook about it. I wonder if it will be open for my history exam tomorrow...) I have no excuse for not writing here, so let's get on with it.

Right. So I may have mentioned that I had an English exam on Monday morning and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get to college to do it, so I was working out all sorts of ways I could get there - all of that wasn't necessary in the end because the college bus came as usual. Admittedly there were only five of us on it (usually there are fifty three) because college was only open to exam students and most people got a lift anyway. But I got there in plenty of time and the exam was actually okay. There isn't much one can revise for English Language except the terminology and the exam technique, both of which I revised on Sunday night and on the bus on Monday morning, and it was fine in the end. Hopefully I got a B or above (I really want an A) or I'm so retaking it, which would be annoying since it would have to be in June when I have my other exams. (That's why I don't want history to be cancelled tomorrow - there's a hell of a lot of revision to do for that and it would be impossible to pass with other exams to do as well.)

After the exam I was in Henley with Charly, waiting for it to be the right time to catch my train home, and when we went into a chip shop to get her some chips, she bumped into two of her friends, one of whom is really hot. Like seriously. He has quite amazing brown eyes, which you just know you could fall into, given the chance. We only spoke briefly, while Charly was getting her chips, and then he had to catch his bus and I had to catch my train, which was quite a shame. Although he did wink at me when I asked Charly where the station was from there (which I probably could have found myself but I wasn't sure) and he replied. Anyway, hopefully I'll be able to give you some updates on that soon. (Like later in this post. I'm doing things in order. xD)
So I got to the station twenty minutes early for my train, but at least I did have time to buy a ticket this time. Usually I get a child one, because I know I look young enough to get away with pretending to be fifteen even though I'll be seventeen in three months and ten days - however, after the incident with the ticket collector before Christmas, I decided to always buy adult tickets when I'm in Henley, and it was lucky that I did because the evil ticket collector came round to check. I don't know if he recognized me - he did give me a slight heart attack by scowling at me and making me think something was wrong with my ticket, but it turned out that it was only because I was holding it upside down. When he found out that a group of people further down the train hadn't bought tickets, though, he went mad. I felt quite sorry for them. They said the ticket machine hadn't taken their money and then the TC asked (in his hard-to-understand Indian accent) why they hadn't gone to the ticket office. They replied they didn't know there was a ticket office, which was fair enough - I didn't know there was one either. But the TC was really giving them a hard time about it, which I thought was really unfair of him since they did want to buy tickets off him then. They did, in the end, and they continued their journey in peace. I actually really admire their courage in the face of the evil ticket collector, especially as he tried to charge them twenty pounds for travelling without a ticket. I know that if that was me I'd have been kicked off the train again because I'm just so crap in situations like those. I wish I wasn't so non-confrontational.

Anyway so yeah. After I got off my second train at Reading (you have to change at Twyford to get to/from Henley) I went to the bus, as I usually do, only to find out that it wasn't going any further than Pangbourne. This meant that it was a complete waste of time and £1.60 -

- Random point: it just took me twelve minutes to get that pound sign because the button on my computer doesn't work, so I had to tweet about it to get someone to send me one. I hate my computer sometimes. -

- because I could have stayed on the train until Pangbourne. Admittedly I hadn't paid to go to Pangbourne but they'd never have noticed. Anyway, so I had to walk all the way from Pangbourne to home, which took an hour even though it's a five minute drive, up a massive hill which is hard enough to walk up even when it's not covered in snow. You know how it is when you walk in snow; your feet can't get purchase on the ground and they keep slipping out from under you so it's completely exhausting to walk even short distances. And then, to top it off, I slipped over when I was almost home and yesterday, walking to the bus stop to go to college, I slipped over again and landed in exactly the same place - the bones in my bum. Ouch.

My leg muscles are really painful as well today and were yesterday too. Bloody hill.

Anyway. Yesterday, in my second free, I was in Starbucks with Charly, and Alicia, Ruby and Simon were in there too so we went and said hi. Alicia told me that the Starbucks staff had recognized her so much that they'd given her a booklet of vouchers for 50p off a drink everyday, but she'd gone back again later and they'd given her another one by mistake. How awesome is that? I want one! Imagine the money you could save on 50p off a Starbucks beverage everytime you buy one. Anyway, so Alicia gave a voucher to me, which is only valid for today - and then college was closed AGAIN because of the snow. I am not amused. And to top it all off, I have a really powerful craving for a frappuccino right now.

Sooo. Anyway. It is now time to expand on my earlier (and rather confusing) paragraph about the hot boy. I was wondering who he was all of Monday night and most of Tuesday, and I was trying to figure out a way to subtly ask Charly who he is without being really obvious. Of course, when it actually came to asking her, I was standing by Hannah's desk at the end of English waiting to ask her about the coursework, and Charly was waiting for me, so I very subtly said to her "Who was that guy we were with yesterday? The one you were waiting for the bus with?"

(We'll call him T.)

Charly replied, "Who? T?"

And I (very subtly, naturally) said "He's hot."

Charly's response to that was quite funny. She's apparently really good friends with him because he went to her secondary school, and she spent the entire free telling me all about him. With a little persuasion from me, of course. Apparently he's in our year, he's seventeen, he's studying English Language and Ancient History (and two others which I've forgotten), he plays saxaphone and a bit of guitar and just generally loves music (so he loves English, history and music. Ooh, that sounds familiar). He likes brunettes, which is handy, and he's only ever had one proper girlfriend before and they 'didn't do anything', according to Charly. (She described him as 'desperate' because he keeps saying girls are hot, which actually I find quite sweet. She said that he has a heart of gold and he's very friendly... could he sound any more perfect? Besides, if he's 'desperate', that means he won't sleep his way around college or talk about other girls all the time or mess me around by saying he likes me but he doesn't want to go out with me. (Yes, I speak from experience here, and I can't be doing with boys like that. I want a boy who, as Charly said, has a heart of gold... you don't find many of those anymore.) Oh, and the best thing is: he's single!

Charly also told me quite a few other things about him which I've forgotten, but all of them just made me want to get to know him better. He sounds perfect to me; the only flaw in the plan is that he probably won't like me in return. Boys usually don't.

Anyway so Charly and I have all the same frees, blocks one and five, and it turns out that T has block five free too, so Charly's going to get him to hang out with us on Friday and try and matchmake us, I suppose. I have very little faith that it will actually work, but oh, I hope it does. Meeting him happened at a very good time, as well, because I'd just decided that it was time to get over Mono. I mean he and Pavlova are obviously not going to break up anytime soon and I'm sick of it still hurting me whenever I see them together. I'm aware that it's not that easy, but it's just a crush. It probably would have worn off soon anyway. Anyway, so after Friday's free I will hopefully have some more stuff to tell you guys about this. I wasn't actually sure whether to tell anyone about it, because everytime I do it seems to jinx things, but then Charly knows and without her there would be no chance of it happening at all. However it's hard to keep things like this to myself, so I thought I'd write it here, and then I wouldn't actually be telling anyone but I can still have the opportunity of talking about it with someone if they read it here. Which would be nice.

So tomorrow is the day of my dreaded history exam, which (although it's dreaded) I sincerely hope I'll be able to do because I just want it over with. I don't want to have to postpone it until June; I can't be bothered to revise for it all over again then. Besides, if we delay it until June then I won't have the option of retaking, which I think I'll definitely need. This snow is just a complete pain in the arse for everyone now. It's getting ridiculous.

Ooh! I 've just realized it's one month until Cora's birthday! I really should get her present soon.

Molly x

Saturday, 9 January 2010

January 9th: So this is what it's like to live on rations.

Once again, I will start a post by saying how sorry I am that I haven't written anything here for AGES... and this time I really have no excuse, since college has been closed for the last three days due to snow, and I should have been revising for my impending exams but instead got addicted to 90210 and spent all of yesterday watching back-to-back episodes on YouTube. Yes, I know it's really, really typical LA-rich-girl-story type crap, but it's addictive. Trust my wisdom.

Sooo. The snow is still just as thick as it was three days ago, and with the exam board refusing to postpone the exams this week, it means that I have to get to a town half an hour's drive away from me with no car (since my dad's 4x4 will be going with him to work and my mum's car wouldn't last a minute in this snow), no college bus, and no normal bus. I will have to walk, in the snow, down to Pangbourne station, which by the way is a 45 minute walk in normal weather, and then catch two trains to college all by 9:00AM on Monday morning. And it's supposed to snow again tonight. Just to top everything off, the exam board has said that if candidates do not sit the exams at the scheduled time and date, they will have to pay to "resit" (or actually sit it in the first place) in June. And it's eighteen quid. And I am NOT amused.

AND I'm fully aware that it's grammatically incorrect to start a sentence with "and", but even grammar freaks can make exceptions when they're pissed off. God knows, the rest of the human race does. Besides, sometimes, if one knows the rules of grammar, one is entitled to break them.

Sorry for that grumpy little start there. Where was I?

Oh yes, I believe I'd just finished telling you about my Christmas presents. Well, since nothing really exciting happened over the rest of the Christmas holidays (except seeing Avatar on new year's eve - watch it. It's great.) and me finally getting Cora's present on the one day I went to college this week (Tuesday, before the snowfall - I've been waiting for it for almost a month, and it chooses the one day I'm not standing at the window, waiting for the postman to come. Not that I did that anyway). She got me lots of sweets (awesome), chocolate (mouthwatering), a fabtabulous letter which made me laugh so much whilst reading it, and an amazing Medina CD, who, if you don't know, is a Danish singer whose music I just adore because... well, because it's awesome and Danish. And catchy, too.

Speaking of Cora, our plans for March (when we're going to see the Wicked cast change night - eeeeep!) are finally feeling real. I booked our Wicked tickets last week and Cora booked her flights too, so now it's really happening and I'm so excited already. I can't wait to see her again! Especially as I made her get the earlier flight so she's coming to Henley and I'm going to meet her in my free and show her Henley and my college. Which will be awesome. And I have a sneaky feeling I might make her meet Hannah as well... I mean that would just be so funny. But we'll see. ;)

Last week I bumped into my friend Sarah, whom I haven't seen since August - she went to Langtree too, but we went to different colleges - twice in the same week, which was an awesome coincidence. Once was when I was in Reading with Becky, and the second time was when she saw the same showing of Avatar as me on new year's eve.

Now it's 23:05 and I should probably be going to bed, considering that I haven't actually revised for English yet and my exam is in two days. I need to be awake tomorrow for a last minute cramming session, methinks. (Although I did a lot of history today - I went to Hollie's and we revised for almost four and a half hours). Nonetheless, I always do things at the most inappropriate times, hence why I'm still here writing now. Besides, I just went really hyper after tea so I'm still calming down.

I think it was due to finally eating meat again. You see, because of the snow, there's been a mad panic - people rushing out to grab what food they can from shops, saving food and stuff - and we've been living on vegetable soup and the like, which is great, but it's just... not satisfying. I know some people can live without meat and have all the energy in the world, but I just can't and since I haven't eaten a good steak or anything since before Christmas, I was starting to feel really weak and tired all the time. Obviously I had turkey and stuff at Christmas but it's just not enough. I don't know how vegetarians do it (yes, Cora, I mean you.) but today we finally had a really nice big juicy steak and it's amazing how quickly it's made a difference to my energy levels. xD

Anyway, it's time I was going to bed, so I'll see you again soon enough. And I mean it this time.


Molly x

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

January 6th: Oh my God, the world's gone white.

Once again, methinks an apology for the lack of recent posts is necessary. Everyone's always crazily busy over Christmas and New Year and now that college has started again (for one day, anyway) it's just got worse. So, since I haven't posted here for ages, I've got a lot to tell you - which I'd usually do in order of when it happened, but there's one thing I have to mention first, since it's the inspiration for the title of this post.

Yep, you guessed it. SNOW! More of the bloody stuff. As if we weren't already bored of it - after the first five minutes of the last snowfall back on December 18th. And then the next one on December 21st. And then the remaining snow and rain which froze into ice and made driving/walking/everything pretty hard for the last three weeks. (Not that I drive, but it's scary enough sitting in the back of a car whilst somebody else does). But this is the biggest snowfall we've had for years - two and a half hours ago we had almost 11cm and it hasn't stopped snowing since. It's mucho annoying considering I have exams next week and I don't want them postponed and even if they're not, we've lost all the few preparation lessons we had left.

Ooh, I have to go. More soon!

Molly x