Tuesday 17 September 2013

September 17th: Back t'North

Today I'm moving back to York, for the third and final year of my degree. It's bittersweet, leaving again, another goodbye when I feel like I've only just come home, but it's also an arrival. A new beginning. A chance to see all those people I haven't seen for the last year and a half and to be in York once again - beautiful, wonderful York, who captures my heart all over again everytime I set foot in it.

I have had the most amazing year in Spain and Mallorca, full of highs and lows and experiences and opportunities. If you remember that post about the things I'd like to do before I die, you'll know that living abroad was on it; I realised a dream this year.

I've been lucky, so far, to have had opportunities like these and to have a family and a support system who made me feel like I could do it. If I had to choose the most important of all the things the last year has taught me, I think it would be that people are the most important thing in one's life. It's not money, or power, (although I wouldn't say no if someone were to offer me those things), it's love. It's the people you run to when something goes wrong; the people you call when something exciting happens; the people you recite that amusing anecdote to. Because what's the point of it all, of doing all these things, if you've got no-one to share it with?

Leaving home is scary for everyone. It was more scary for me the first time, exactly two years ago today, but even now I still get nervous about leaving. I love it once I'm there, of course, but... home is familiar. Home is comforting. Home is safe. The big wide world can't get you there, and it's so lovely to be protected, after all the time we spend in the big wide world pretending we know what we're doing. But we have to spread our wings a bit; and when we do, we realise that those things we dream about don't have to stay dreams. Some of us get to live those dreams. Don't you want to see if you'll be one of them?

Molly x

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