The lovely Charlotte reblogged this on Tumblr, and since a) I have a grand total of five followers on Tumblr and therefore nowhere near enough to play this game, b) I adore these games and c) it's been a while since I wrote a new post, I thought I'd come and share it with my beloved bloglings instead. Here goes:
How are you?
Pretty good right now; thank you kind anonymous being of the internet!
Post a picture of yourself.
I frequently post pictures of myself and my friends on here, but if you're too lazy to go and look for them then tough. If you're that curious, refer to the 'burger face' over there. ---->
It's like my version of Lady Gaga.
"Can't eat my, can't eat my burger face!"
Do you ever wish you were someone else?
Not really. I used to, but I think that's something that a lot of people go through while they're growing up and settling into their bodies and their personalities. Now I'm pretty happy with who I am and though there are always things that can be improved, I don't think would actually choose to be someone else if I had the chance (and if it were possible).
What is your entire name?
Molly Ellen Turner. Can't really get a more English name.
How old are you?
Nearly nineteen. Twenty next year! Apparently I'm not allowed to feel old though - or so say the 25-year-old and 60-year-old members of my grammar class I ate lunch with today.
Age you get mistaken for:
Hmm, a difficult one. I look younger than I am, but I sound older... I think most people put me at the age I actually am or maybe a year or so older.
Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality:
Taurus, and yes, I think so! My horoscopes are normally pretty accurate (don't judge me; they're my guilty pleasure!)
What did you do on your last birthday?
I had a spa day with three of my closest friends and a picnic in the sun with my family and some family friends. It was a brilliant day.
What is one thing you would like to accomplish before your next birthday?
Hmm. Umm... well, my birthday is on the first day back after the Easter holidays, so I'd like to accomplish all my Easter holiday work! (Bit of a cop-out, but shush. It's my blog. I'm allowed.)
What is your hair colour?
Darkish brown... quite a nice colour, I think, but that's just my opinion!
And yes, I added the 'u' into 'colour'. Americanisms may be closer to Old English than current British English is but... my blog, my rules.
Have you ever dyed your hair?
I have not. This is possibly because (as stated above) I'm rather fond of my hair colour. Considered dyeing it dark red once though... thank God I didn't!
What is your eye colour?
Brown, with flecks of green in the summer.
If you could change your eye colour, would you?
I loooove green eyes, so maybe, but I think I'd look pretty strange with anything but brown eyes!
Do you wear contacts/glasses?
Nope. I have - what I call - perfect eyesight.
Do you have any tattoos?
I most certainly do not! I find them highly chavvy and repulsive.
Do you have any piercings?
Yes, one in each ear.
Left or right handed?
Right handed all the way!
What’s your sexual orientation?
Do you drink?
It is my understanding that every human being drinks, but since I'm assuming the question refers to the consumption of alcohol then yes, I do.
Do you smoke?
Do you have any pets?
My family has two long-haired Norwegian forest cats, one of which is mine. She's called Coco, is the most adorable thing I've ever seen in my life and I miss her more than I can possibly begin to describe.
Something you are working on right now:
My study abroad exchange to Spain in September! I've been obsessively researching and planning every last detail, pretty much to the exclusion of everything else (which is really bad, considering I need to actually pass my modules to be allowed to go).
I did tell you guys I'm going for a year instead of a semester now, right?!
Do you have any “rules” about food?
Umm... it has to be cooked? Only if it's hot food, you understand.
Where are you from?
England. Down South. Though I've never felt English in my life.
What would you say is your best quality?
Um... I've sort of got a knack of making things work out the way I want them to, even when it's completely unlikely that they will. I'm not sure that's a quality though. That might relate to the star sign question actually - apparently we Tauruses (Tauri?) have 'faith that everything will work out'.
What do you think you’re really good at?
I swear this is the hardest question in the world to answer. Ummmmm... I've honestly been thinking about this for three minutes and nothing springs to mind. Well, that's a bit depressing!
What do you think you’re really bad at?
Sports. Without a doubt.
Are you a bad person?
...How can I answer this? I'm not perfect, but I'm not terrible. (And besides, I've got a theory about perfection).
Are you nice to everyone?
Oh, come on, this is just ridiculous. Who's nice to everyone? I'm not consciously rude (probably over polite actually), but there are probably some people I annoy.
Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you?
Yes, and because we were in secondary school, we were immature, and we had nothing better to do. And when I say "we" I do of course mean "they".
What is your ideal bed? Why?
It has to be firm. Comfy, but firm. It needs to support me.
Did you wake up cranky?
No, I woke up thinking "bollocks!" because I fell back to sleep after my alarm went off and woke up ten minutes before I had to leave.
Do you sleep with a stuffed toy?
I never used to, but my mum has this huge polar bear called Hector whom I've brought to uni with me. He's the size of a small child and is the best thing ever to hug when you're lonely.
What do you think about the most?
Ridiculous as this sounds, I kind of see my life as having 'trending topics', like Twitter. What that says about my hours of internet consumption/mental state is better off not thinking about, but it's interesting. I suppose what's 'trending' in my life at the moment is my impending trip to Spain, my trip home this weekend, Charlotte coming up to visit next weekend, Cora coming to stay with me, uni work, summer jobs and a couple of other things.
What you want to be when you “get older”?
Ah, bloglings, surely you're bored of hearing about this by now! Linguistic-y things.
What are your career goals?
Is this not the same as that ^ question?
I'd quite like to publish a linguistic theory, but that's going to be difficult/expensive/long/take talent and determination I'm not sure I possess. It would be amazing though!
Is your life anything like it was two years ago?
If you've been following this blog, you'll know it was set up two and a half years ago and therefore you'll know that my life is completely different from how it was two years ago. I literally don't think it could be any more different!
Do you replay things that have happened in your head?
All the time. And I cringe.
Have you ever had an imaginary friend?
No, I don't think so. Nobody springs to mind (har har).
Say 10 facts about your room:
1. There's a bathroom in it. A very small, square bathroom, like a bath-cube.
2. The walls are covered in notes on the phonetic alphabet and Spanish numbers on one side, and photos of my friends, my study abroad checklist, some pink fairy lights and a very awesome Doctor Who poster on the other.
3. It's in a halls of residence, so I live in a building with a LOT of other people.
4. My bed is perfect. Seriously. I've even had friends fall asleep on it without meaning to. It's that perfect.
5. It has a red theme. I have a red kettle, red towels, red curtains (which was a coincidence) and a red throw on my bed.
6. There's a kettle in it.
7. I have a luminous green clock in the shape of a giant wrist watch.
8. It really needs hoovering.
9. It's rectangle shaped, like a really long... rectangle.
10. I'm pretty sure uni kitted out all the rooms in this halls with Ikea.
Do you have any phobias?
Fire. Hate it.
Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist?
Not exactly. Did hypnotherapy once... it has 'therapy' in the title and therefore it counts.
Are you allergic to anything? If so, what?
Not to my knowledge, and hopefully it'll stay that way.
Ever broken any bones?
No. Don't intend to either.
Ever come close to death?
No... although I'm pretty sure the car we hired on holiday last year came close enough.
Do you have a Facebook? If so, would you add the person who sent you this?
I do indeed, and since the person from whom I got this (even though she didn't send it to me) is one of my best friends, yes I would!
Do you have any pictures on your Facebook?
Yes, you stalkers.
Describe yourself in one word/sentence:
If my Northern friends had anything to do with it, it would probably be 'posh'.
A quote you try to live by:
"Everything happens for a reason."
A famous person you’ve been compared to:
Angelina Jolie once, though I've got absolutely no idea why!
Weird things you do when you’re alone:
Listen to foreign music; dance like a loony in my underwear... normally to foreign music; realise the curtains were open and the people in the flats opposite could see me dancing like a loony in my underwear.
Something you do without realising:
Learn the grammar of your first language.
But perhaps that was a bit generic for what the question intended, so... play with my hair.
Someone you’d like to be for a day and why:
A boy, so I could see how they think and how they behave and what it's like to have a body so different from my own.
How often do you listen to music?
Dude, every day!
What kind of music you like?
I like pop, but I also like musicals, a bit of rock... anything really, except heavy metal. I listen to a lot of foreign music because it helps a surprising amount when you're trying to learn a language.
Do you like to dance?
Do I like to? Yes. Would I do it in public? No.
Except zumba. Zumba's AMAZEBALLS.
Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?
Ohhh yes.
Share a song that takes you to a certain memory in the past:
The song "Born to Make You Happy" by Britney Spears reminds me of my mum because she always says it reminds her of me, and it makes me think of sitting in the car with my family as we drove home from her birthday weekend last year. I'd made her a CD for her birthday and that was the first song on it.
A song that’s been stuck in your head:
En Que Estrella Estara - Nena Daconte
Put your music player on shuffle and write the first ten songs that play:
1. Ni Puedo Ni Quiero - Amaia Montero
2. The Man That Can't Be Moved - The Script
3. What You Don't Know - Monrose
5. Donde Estas - Nena Daconte
6. Rain/Hold On - Ghost the Musical
7. Knep Smerten Væk - Thomas Holm
8. Misery - Maroon 5
9. Cuatro Segundos - Amaia Montero
10. Dybt Vand - Svenstrup & Vendelboe ft. Nadia Malm
A book you want to read/have recently read:
A Practical Introduction to Phonetics. Yes, it is just as fascinating as it sounds!
Pleasure wise, just read From Notting Hill With Love... Actually and am reading The Historian.
That particular book is also fabulous for the "in your pants" game. "The Historian... in your pants". Such fun.
Describe your dream library:
Filled with books on phonetics, psycholinguistics, Spanish, Danish, Wicked, My Sister's Keeper, a nice load of 'pink books in fluffy covers' and some nice 'deep' books too. Alternatively, just your bog standard library will do; such is the extent and depth of my adoration for books.
Last movie you watched:
Love Actually. Started watching it when I got in from a night out at four o'clock last Friday morning... got seven minutes in, fell asleep and then finished it when I woke up. Ah, how I love my life.
What type of movies do you like watching?
I love a good chick flick, it has to be said. There's a comfort in a nice predictable film where nobody gets blown up and you can revel safely in the expectation of a happy ending. I like films with a bit of substance to them as well, but I only tend to watch chick flicks here at uni because I find them comforting and relaxing.
Well, my dear bloglings, I hope you've learnt a little more about me from this very long post! I have three minutes to post this before it becomes the wrong date, so I shall leave you now and go to bed.
Molly x
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