Friday, 17 February 2012

February 16th: Updates (brace yourselves, it's long)

Despite the fact that this has been one of the busiest weeks that I've had (socially) since I got to uni, I have somehow managed to write two new posts in two days. Wonders will never cease. I suppose, since this blog was originally supposed to be a way for me to document my life, I should expand a little on why my week has been so busy, so here goes:

On Sunday I got bored lazing around in my flat so I went out and had a mooch around town and got some shopping done (both food and clothes... oops). When I got back I helped my friend Emma move into her new room (she moved from a different halls of residence because she didn't get along with her flatmates) which just happened to be the flat that my friend Louise lives in, so that's pretty cool. Now two of the people I see the most at uni are literally two minutes away up a flight of stairs. Emma's parents thanked me for helping Emma move by inviting me out for a tapas with them, which was deeeeeelicious. And I do love a bit of Spain.

I have no lectures on Mondays, but I had to go to uni to put together a presentation. I'd missed a package from the postman in the morning though so I had to go to the post office to pick it up afterwards. I'd thought it was a textbook but turns out it was my Christmas present from my lovely college English teacher Hannah - she sent me three very pretty nail varnishes, so that's awesome! I also realised I'd left both my red heels and my black heels at home - nightmare since I was going out on Tuesday in a black dress - but I nipped into a charity shop and snapped up another pair of red shoes (gorgeous ones at that) for £2. Love charity shops.

Monday also saw me cooking meat on my own for the very first time - which doesn't sound much but is kind of an achievement for me since I used to really hate frying things, so woop for that!

Tuesday. Well. Where to start? Obviously I had to go into uni - three hour grammar and text lecture on morphology... don't get me wrong, it's very interesting, but it's three hours. Three hours. Of grammar. Exhausting. Anyway, later on Emma came down from the fourth floor and we had predrinks before going back up to her flat (for more predrinks) where I officially met all her flatmates - and lovely they were too! Strange really that I'd never met them properly before, since I've been friends with Louise since the first week of term. Still. We were going to a club called Revolutions... only my second time in a club but much more fun than last time! Before we left I went down to my flat and ended up snapping my key in half in the lock, therefore locking myself out of my room in the process and meaning that the flat door can't be opened from the outside. Not ideal at all, but they're going to fix it soon.

Revs were doing a Valentine's day event called a 'lock and key party', where the girls were given locks and the boys were given keys and you had to find your match. I discovered a couple of new drinks - no idea what they were; Emma and Louise's flatmate Ed got them for us. The boys disappeared then and we just danced for a while, and then a Spanish guy called Pepe, who apparently knew Emma, appeared and ended up dancing with me... So things continued like that for a while until Emma texted saying she'd gone home, so I left too to make sure she was okay, which she wasn't, because it turned out she had kissed Ed and was in varying degrees of guilt over her boyfriend (who hadn't even bothered to text her to say happy Valentine's day, so it was quite understandable). I ended up sleeping on her floor (because I couldn't get into my flat) and we'd just got comfortable when we decided we quite fancied a McDonald's, so at half past three in the morning we did the fifteen minute walk each way. And it was so worth it.

We woke up on Wednesday morning after about three hours' sleep; obviously I skipped my lectures (including presenting the presentation we'd written on Monday) due to the fact that I was still wearing last night's clothes because I was locked out of my flat (and my pens and notes were locked in). Around ten o'clock the postman came and dropped off my textbook and my AMAZING phonetically written t-shirt:

(For those of you who can't read phonetics, it says "If you can read this then you've spent an exceptionally long time staring at my chest". BRILLIANT.)

and I was told to come and collect my new key at twelve so that I'd be able to get into my flat. This was also the time that both Emma and I received an email from the study abroad office telling us that we'd been given offers to study abroad and that we had to come into uni to collect them... but we had to wait for my key first! After waiting what felt like years but was actually about an hour and a half, we got the key and set off to pick up our letters, which ended up looking like this:

Wow. It was a crazy morning. After that I spent most of the afternoon at Louise and Emma's flat, hanging out in the kitchen with them and Simon, and then I went to bed with an episode of Glee about nine o'clock. I'm not really cut out for the student lifestyle... too exhausting!

Today I had a phonetics lecture at nine, immediately followed by two hours of Spanish at ten, and then a phonetics seminar, during which we were studying trills (the kind of growling noise you make when you roll your 'r's and the brrr sound you make when pushing air through closed lips)... so that was fun. Tonight Emma came over again and we ate pizza and ice cream while watching Easy A and recording the vibration of our vocal folds. As you do.

Tomorrow my family is coming up for the weekend, and before that I've got to clean my entire flat and do some work, so I'd better go to bed. However, to cut a long, long, looooong story short, assuming I pass this year, I AM MOVING TO SPAIN IN SEPTEMBER. OH. MY. GOD. This is something I've wanted to do ever since I've realised it was possible, and having been attracted to Spanish culture for as long as I can remember, I can hardly believe it might actually happen. Of course it's not definite yet, but it's a hell of a lot more definite than it's ever been before and I am going to do everything in my power to make sure I go. Holy crap.

Remember that post I wrote last May about my list of things to do before you die? Living in a foreign country for a while is one of them. So is learning a language. To think that at least one of my things may actually happen so soon is beyond my capability to comprehend - such is the force of my excitement. I can't even express right now how happy I am that I got accepted... this is why we should chase our dreams, people! There's always a possibility that they just might come true.

Molly x

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