Thursday, 20 October 2011

October 20th: Not dead

Well, I must admit that I've never shirked my blogging responsibilities quite as drastically as this before... tomorrow it will be a month since I last posted here. That's ridiculous! Admittedly I have had no internet for the past three weeks and posting long updates from my phone gets on my nerves, but nonetheless it is very rude of me not to have written even the tiniest of hellos.

Still, I'm here now. I wonder if this will be one of the rare posts that actually makes it out into the blogosphere... i.e. one of the posts I can actually be bothered to finish. Somehow I doubt it (though I was obviously wrong if you're reading this). I mean, we've already established that I can be something of a lazy poo when it comes to writing here and how am I possibly meant to condense the happenings of the last month into a blog post that is short enough to avoid boring you all to death?

So, since I last wrote... well... blimey, that was halfway through the very first week. I have got a lot of catching up to do. Okay, well... I started proper lectures (obviously); I fell in love with phonetics (I discovered that I have an aptitude for phonetics and people keep asking me to 'model' my voice in the class because I have a Southern standard English accent and you need that for transcribing things into the phonetic alphabet); I met a Danish girl on my course who lives on the floor above me (so awesome, to have a real live Dane in the immediate area); I've made quite a few more friends (as you would expect after living here for almost five weeks); I went home for five days to take and fail my driving test (but I'll ace it next time)... and so much more!

I don't really have anything more than that to say right now and I have a phonetics test (yay!) on Monday so I'd better do some work, but I shall leave you with this semantic joke:

There are 10 types of people in the world...

Those who understand binary and those who don't!

Molly x

1 comment:

Zoƫ said...

Woohoo a post!!! It has been a while. LOL my iPod wanted to say "hams been a while. How annoying must have that been not having Internet for 3 weeks. I would have been able to cope. Hehe glad you are enjoying the nerdiness of phonetics.

An intresting read of the Life of Molly as always :) x