I know it's been a while since I last posted here, but alas, it's exam time once again and I must say that this year I am actually working quite hard for my exams - not that it'll make any difference; I probably still won't do brilliantly, but I blame that on having four exams in 6 days (including a weekend), plus an entire twelve weeks' worth of Spanish portfolio I've left until the last minute AND a 2,500 word essay. You'd think I'd have learnt by now, but no, I remain the Queen of procrastination (or just the Queen, according to my friends at uni. I fear their mockery of my 'posh' Southern accent will never cease).
I have my first exam tomorrow, and it's a Spanish oral exam. I'm only a beginner at Spanish, so the whole thing will be over in ten minutes, and I have to say that though I despise oral exams with every fibre of my being, I feel quite sad at the thought of my Spanish lessons coming to an end. They're not stopping permanently, of course, because I'm moving to Spain in four months and it's compulsory for us to take Spanish there (and I would do even if it wasn't, because I'd quite like to be able to converse with the people in my new home).
I seem to be taking quite a while to get into this post. At the moment I'm too busy to sleep or eat (ironic, isn't it, that just when one needs sleep and food most, time and other factors dictate otherwise?), let alone write a blog post, but here I am. I felt the urge, and as all my writer-y friends, pretentious or otherwise, know, one does not ignore the call of the urge. So I'm sitting listening to the 'Spanish' playlist on my phone and musing on the fact that a year after my life changed completely drastically, it's about to change all over again. Life is hectic and life is crazy, but I suppose the one thing my life can't be described as is boring. And that's a good thing. But it's also a completely overwhelming, amazing, terrifying thing that I have yet to get my head around even now.
There's a reason I haven't shown you guys my room here in York yet, and that was that I found it highly irresponsible to post such things on the internet, but I want to remember this. I'm happy, you see. After eight months here I have finally got my room the way I like it, and I've kind of got my life the way I like it too. I can't make up my mind whether it's a good thing, when one reaches this stage, to keep things the same until they reach a sort of stagnation, or to quit while one's ahead; to change everything up again to stop that staleness from setting in. So far I've found that if you don't shake it up every once in a while, life sort of has a habit of doing it for you (and usually just when you've got everything the way you want it) so in my opinion it's best to choose a new path to take before life deposits you on one you might not be too keen on following.
My - what I call - 'wall of awesomeness'. |
Sorry about the mess - too many Spanish notes! |
Some PostIts my friends left on my mirror on my birthday. I thought that was the most adorable thing ever! |
Life in York is a routine now. It's become my home. I love it here and I don't want to leave, but the wonderful thing about not wanting to leave is that you know you've got something wonderful to come back to one day. And I will be back, and in the meantime there's an incredible adventure waiting for me and now I've actually seen Tarragona, it's all suddenly become a lot more real. It's no longer some far off unreachable place, it's real, and it's about to become my home and my life in just the same way that York has, and right now, I see no reason to be afraid of it. Right now, in this moment, I feel only hope for the future.
Molly x
This is where I'll be living come September. You jealous?