I am too much of a geek to let you escape without the Star Wars joke there, even though it is now the fifth of May as I accidentally deleted everything I wrote yesterday. That, my friends, is what we call an epic fail.
So, now I shall continue writing about the weekend we saw Wicked... even though it was over a month ago and I've been procrastinating like crazy about writing here. Indeed, I'm only posting here now because I'm procrastinating about revising for my exams.
'Procrastination' has always seemed like a strange word to me. It doesn't sound like what it means. It sounds like some kind of STD, in my opinion, but maybe I'm just a bit of a freak.
Don't answer that.
Anyway. The Wicked cast were coming out of the doors at the front of the theatre - really bloody slowly, I might add. We only got to see about five of them before we had to leave to catch our train back and once again, for the fourth time, Dianne Pilkington evaded me. At some point I WILL meet her, but alas, just not as Glinda. We did meet Oli though, and I filmed him giving me a thumbs up! I almost died right there. It was so busy that we had to stick our programmes over other people's heads just to get signatures and I ended up swapping programmes with Cora because she didn't get hers signed and I did. Which was probably because I was a bit more vigorous about shoving mine in people's faces... sorry about that.
So yeah. After that we left and went back to the station, and we ended up having to run to get our train back to Reading. For those of you who know Paddington, it was Platform 14 our train was on, which is of course the one furthest away from the Tubes. Typical. We made it though, and after cramming ourselves sardine-stylee among the other people getting that train to Reading at one in the morning. I reckon we'd have been okay and not almost missed the train if it hadn't been for the clocks changing. Stupid clocks.
On Sunday we didn't really do much, just sat around and recorded random stuff and then it was time for Cora to go home, which is always the hardest part. When her train left I left, then I walked back into the station and watched it disappear... but hey, I'll see her again in August and that will be awesome. :)
Anyway, I have to go now, so I'll write here again soon.
(Yeah, right.)
Molly x
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